.. _whatsnew: What's new ========== Version 1.4 ----------- * Averaged Perceptron (:class:`bolt.trainer.avgperceptron.AveragedPerceptron`) Multi-class classification using the averaged perceptron by Freund and Schapire. * Maximum Entropy (:class:`bolt.trainer.maxent.MaxentSGD`) Multinomial logistic regression classifier using SGD. Supports probabilistic output. * Windows compatibility Tested on Windows 7 using Enthought Python Distribution. Version 1.3 ----------- * Elastic-net penalty Sparse regularization of correlated predictors. * PEGASOS (:class:`bolt.trainer.sgd.PEGASOS`) New SVM solver based on projected (sub-)gradients. * Generalized Linear Models (:class:`bolt.model.GeneralizedLinearModel`) Generalization of linear models to multi-class classification. * OVA (:class:`bolt.trainer.OVA`) A one-versus-all approach to multi-class classification. * Profiling of Cython code Substantial performance improvement through profiling of Cython code. * Major refactoring changed the structure of the sub-modules (i.e., moved the SGD code to the :mod:`bolt.trainer` module) and introduced the :class:`bolt.io.Dataset` interface in :mod:`bolt.io`. Version 1.2 ----------- * Cross-validation script added. Version 1.1 ----------- * Bugfix release Version 1.0 ----------- * Initial Release