.. _install: ======= Install ======= Describes how to install Bolt on your machine. .. contents:: Requirements ------------ Bolt depends on the following python packages: * numpy (tested with version 1.1 - 1.5) To check your installed version use:: python -c "import numpy; print numpy.__version__" To build Bolt you need a c compiler (e.g., gcc) and the header files of `numpy`. On Ubuntu systems the following should suffice:: sudo apt-get install python-numpy The installation has been tested on Windows 7 using the `Enthought Python Distribution `_. If you get undefined symbol errors, make sure that the lib_dir path in `setup.py` is properly set (for EPD 6.2 use `C:\\Python26\\PCbuild`). If you want to modify the Cython code in the extension modules in `bolt.trainer` make sure that the newest release of `Cython `_ (>= 0.7) is installed. To generate the documentation you need `Sphinx `_ and the following packages * `dvipng `_ . * `sphinx-to-github `_ . On Ubuntu systems the following should suffice:: sudo easy_install sphinx sudo apt-get install dvipng pip install -e git+git://github.com/michaeljones/sphinx-to-github.git#egg=sphinx-to-github If you don't have `pip` install it via:: sudo easy_install pip Stable release -------------- Download the latest release from github:: wget http://github.com/pprett/bolt/tarball/v1.4 -O bolt_v1.4.tar.gz Untar the archive:: tar xzvf bolt_v1.4.tar.gz mv pprett* bolt Build bolt:: cd bolt python setup.py build Install bolt sytem wide:: sudo python setup.py install If the build process fails due to undefined references make sure that the include paths in `setupy.py` are properly defined. If you need assistance please contact the author at peter.prettenhofer@gmail.com. Latest development version -------------------------- To fetch the latest development version from the repository type:: git checkout git://github.com/pprett/bolt.git To build the project use:: python setup.py build To install bolt system wide use:: sudo python setup.py install